# Read the HTML page
<- read_html("https://www.nomisweb.co.uk/sources/census_2021_bulk")
# Get census table zip file names
<- html_page %>%
zip_urls html_nodes("a[href$='.zip']") %>%
# Make zip file names into a full URL
<- paste0("https://www.nomisweb.co.uk",zip_urls)
# Create an empty tibble with the following column names
<- tibble(
meta_data_table Table_Name = character(),
Variable_Name = character(),
Type = character(),
new_names = character(),
Table_ID = character()
# Tables without OA data
<- c("https://www.nomisweb.co.uk/output/census/2021/census2021-ts007.zip",
no_oa_tables "https://www.nomisweb.co.uk/output/census/2021/census2021-ts009.zip",
<- result <- setdiff(zip_urls, no_oa_tables) # Remove the tables without OA
# Create output directories for the census tables
dir.create("./output_data/csv",recursive = TRUE)
dir.create("./output_data/parquet",recursive = TRUE)
Now that the 2021 Census data for England and Wales have started to be made available for small areas I wanted to take a closer look at these in R. I was disappointed to find that the ONS haven’t supplied these on their website or as bulk data on Nomis in a format that is especially helpful to use programatically.
The key issue is that metadata associated with each column of the tables are also used as their names. While this is quite useful human readable information, it is problematic if you want to read the data into a package like R or Python in an automated fashion.
At the Census 2011 the Scotland small area data had a similar format (from distant memory!!!), but England and Wales had each variable specified as a code based on the table name.
As such, I have written some R code to:
- Download the bulk census data from Nomis
- Import the Output Area level data into R
- Create new variable names based on the sequential ordering of the variables and the table identification code
- Create a metadata lookup table providing the link between the new names and the original names
- Export the OA data as both CSV and Parquet files
This blog post provides a summary of the code; but for the fully reproducible version and the created data, they are located on this Github repository.
Files to Download
The following code reads the content of the Nomis webpage where the bulk downloads are found, and extracts a list of zip files found within the HTML. These are then converted into list of download URLs. Because OA data are not available for all tables (discovered through trail and error!), these are removed from the list. Finally, a set of folders are created to hold the output.
Download the data
The following code uses the download URLs to loop though each table and:
- Downloads, unzips, extracts and imports the the CSV file with OA data
- Extracts the table ID code for the current table
- Creates a new set of variable names in the format of TableIDXXXX where XXXX is the position of each column within the table, and with 0s used as padding to make these up to four digits in length. This also excludes the geography codes. For example, as the Total for the tables are found in column one, these will have the code of TableID_0001.
- The original and new table names are stored in a metadata table
- The census data with cleaned column names are exported as CSV and Parquet files
for (url in zip_urls){
dir.create("./tmp",recursive = TRUE)#create a temporary directory for unzipping
<- curl::curl_download(url, tempfile(fileext = ".zip")) # Download the specified zip file
f unzip(f, exdir="./tmp") # Unzip
<- list.files("./tmp", pattern=".*-oa.csv") # Extract the OA csv location
<- unlist(str_split(t_tab_loc,"-"))[2] # Extract the table name
assign(t_name,vroom(paste0("./tmp/",t_tab_loc),show_col_types = FALSE) %>%
select(-date,-geography) %>%
column_to_rownames("geography code")) #Move OA code to row names
<- colnames(get(t_name)) # Get the column names
old_names <- paste0(t_name, sprintf("%04d",seq_along(old_names))) # Create some new column names with zero padding
# Create a list of the new and old names, plus Table ID
<- list(
N_list old_names = old_names,
new_names = new_names,
Table_ID = t_name
# Creates the meta data table
<- as_tibble(N_list)
# Keep the metadata
meta_data_table bind_rows(N_list)
# Change the column names for the data frame
<- environment() # Have to be explicit about the env, as %>% uses a temp environment
env get(t_name) %>%
rename_at(vars(old_names), ~new_names) %>%
rownames_to_column("OA") %>%
assign(t_name,., envir = env) # add a reference to the environment
# Write csv and parquet to the output folders
write_parquet(get(t_name), paste0("./output_data/parquet/",t_name,".parquet"))
write_csv(get(t_name), paste0("./output_data/csv/",t_name,".csv"))
#Remove tmp objects
rm(N_list, old_names, new_names, t_name, t_tab_loc)
#Remove all downloaded files for this table
unlink("./tmp",recursive = TRUE)
Finally, the metadata table is cleaned up and exported to a csv. You will note that the “Ethnicity, Identity, Language and Religion” variables do not have a “Type” value specified. This happens because the column names for these tables do not match the format for the previous releases. Specifically, “; measures: Value” is missing from the end of each column.
# Format the lookup table
<- meta_data_table %>%
meta_data_table2 mutate(Table_Name = str_split_fixed(old_names, ":", 2)[,1]) %>% # Table Name
mutate(Type = str_replace_all((str_extract(old_names, "; measures: \\w+")), "; measures: ", "")) %>% # Variable Type
mutate(Variable_Name = str_replace_all(old_names, ";.*", "")) %>%
mutate(Variable_Name = str_replace_all(Variable_Name, paste0(Table_Name,": "), ""))
write_csv(meta_data_table2, "Table_Metadata.csv")
Output Area Tables
The tables that are imported include:
Table_Name | Variable_Name | Type | new_names | Table_ID | old_names |
Residence type | Total | Value | ts0010001 | ts001 | Residence type: Total; measures: Value |
Residence type | Lives in a household | Value | ts0010002 | ts001 | Residence type: Lives in a household; measures: Value |
Residence type | Lives in a communal establishment | Value | ts0010003 | ts001 | Residence type: Lives in a communal establishment; measures: Value |
Marital and civil partnership status | Total | Value | ts0020001 | ts002 | Marital and civil partnership status: Total; measures: Value |
Marital and civil partnership status | Never married and never registered a civil partnership | Value | ts0020002 | ts002 | Marital and civil partnership status: Never married and never registered a civil partnership; measures: Value |
Marital and civil partnership status | Married or in a registered civil partnership | Value | ts0020003 | ts002 | Marital and civil partnership status: Married or in a registered civil partnership; measures: Value |
Marital and civil partnership status | Married or in a registered civil partnership: Married | Value | ts0020004 | ts002 | Marital and civil partnership status: Married or in a registered civil partnership: Married; measures: Value |
Marital and civil partnership status | Married or in a registered civil partnership: Married: Opposite sex | Value | ts0020005 | ts002 | Marital and civil partnership status: Married or in a registered civil partnership: Married: Opposite sex; measures: Value |
Marital and civil partnership status | Married or in a registered civil partnership: Married: Same sex | Value | ts0020006 | ts002 | Marital and civil partnership status: Married or in a registered civil partnership: Married: Same sex; measures: Value |
Marital and civil partnership status | Married or in a registered civil partnership: In a registered civil partnership | Value | ts0020007 | ts002 | Marital and civil partnership status: Married or in a registered civil partnership: In a registered civil partnership; measures: Value |
Marital and civil partnership status | Married or in a registered civil partnership: In a registered civil partnership: Opposite sex | Value | ts0020008 | ts002 | Marital and civil partnership status: Married or in a registered civil partnership: In a registered civil partnership: Opposite sex; measures: Value |
Marital and civil partnership status | Married or in a registered civil partnership: In a registered civil partnership: Same sex | Value | ts0020009 | ts002 | Marital and civil partnership status: Married or in a registered civil partnership: In a registered civil partnership: Same sex; measures: Value |
Marital and civil partnership status | Separated, but still legally married or still legally in a civil partnership | Value | ts0020010 | ts002 | Marital and civil partnership status: Separated, but still legally married or still legally in a civil partnership; measures: Value |
Marital and civil partnership status | Separated, but still legally married or still legally in a civil partnership: Separated, but still married | Value | ts0020011 | ts002 | Marital and civil partnership status: Separated, but still legally married or still legally in a civil partnership: Separated, but still married; measures: Value |
Marital and civil partnership status | Separated, but still legally married or still legally in a civil partnership: Separated, but still in a registered civil partnership | Value | ts0020012 | ts002 | Marital and civil partnership status: Separated, but still legally married or still legally in a civil partnership: Separated, but still in a registered civil partnership; measures: Value |
Marital and civil partnership status | Divorced or civil partnership dissolved | Value | ts0020013 | ts002 | Marital and civil partnership status: Divorced or civil partnership dissolved; measures: Value |
Marital and civil partnership status | Divorced or civil partnership dissolved: Divorced | Value | ts0020014 | ts002 | Marital and civil partnership status: Divorced or civil partnership dissolved: Divorced; measures: Value |
Marital and civil partnership status | Divorced or civil partnership dissolved: Formerly in a civil partnership now legally dissolved | Value | ts0020015 | ts002 | Marital and civil partnership status: Divorced or civil partnership dissolved: Formerly in a civil partnership now legally dissolved; measures: Value |
Marital and civil partnership status | Widowed or surviving civil partnership partner | Value | ts0020016 | ts002 | Marital and civil partnership status: Widowed or surviving civil partnership partner; measures: Value |
Marital and civil partnership status | Widowed or surviving civil partnership partner: Widowed | Value | ts0020017 | ts002 | Marital and civil partnership status: Widowed or surviving civil partnership partner: Widowed; measures: Value |
Marital and civil partnership status | Widowed or surviving civil partnership partner: Surviving partner from civil partnership | Value | ts0020018 | ts002 | Marital and civil partnership status: Widowed or surviving civil partnership partner: Surviving partner from civil partnership; measures: Value |
Household composition | Total | Value | ts0030001 | ts003 | Household composition: Total; measures: Value |
Household composition | One person household | Value | ts0030002 | ts003 | Household composition: One person household; measures: Value |
Household composition | One person household: Aged 66 years and over | Value | ts0030003 | ts003 | Household composition: One person household: Aged 66 years and over; measures: Value |
Household composition | One person household: Other | Value | ts0030004 | ts003 | Household composition: One person household: Other; measures: Value |
Household composition | Single family household | Value | ts0030005 | ts003 | Household composition: Single family household; measures: Value |
Household composition | Single family household: All aged 66 years and over | Value | ts0030006 | ts003 | Household composition: Single family household: All aged 66 years and over; measures: Value |
Household composition | Single family household: Married or civil partnership couple | Value | ts0030007 | ts003 | Household composition: Single family household: Married or civil partnership couple; measures: Value |
Household composition | Single family household: Married or civil partnership couple: No children | Value | ts0030008 | ts003 | Household composition: Single family household: Married or civil partnership couple: No children; measures: Value |
Household composition | Single family household: Married or civil partnership couple: Dependent children | Value | ts0030009 | ts003 | Household composition: Single family household: Married or civil partnership couple: Dependent children; measures: Value |
Household composition | Single family household: Married or civil partnership couple: All children non-dependent | Value | ts0030010 | ts003 | Household composition: Single family household: Married or civil partnership couple: All children non-dependent; measures: Value |
Household composition | Single family household: Cohabiting couple family | Value | ts0030011 | ts003 | Household composition: Single family household: Cohabiting couple family; measures: Value |
Household composition | Single family household: Cohabiting couple family: No children | Value | ts0030012 | ts003 | Household composition: Single family household: Cohabiting couple family: No children; measures: Value |
Household composition | Single family household: Cohabiting couple family: With dependent children | Value | ts0030013 | ts003 | Household composition: Single family household: Cohabiting couple family: With dependent children; measures: Value |
Household composition | Single family household: Cohabiting couple family: All children non-dependent | Value | ts0030014 | ts003 | Household composition: Single family household: Cohabiting couple family: All children non-dependent; measures: Value |
Household composition | Single family household: Lone parent family | Value | ts0030015 | ts003 | Household composition: Single family household: Lone parent family; measures: Value |
Household composition | Single family household: Lone parent family: With dependent children | Value | ts0030016 | ts003 | Household composition: Single family household: Lone parent family: With dependent children; measures: Value |
Household composition | Single family household: Lone parent family: All children non-dependent | Value | ts0030017 | ts003 | Household composition: Single family household: Lone parent family: All children non-dependent; measures: Value |
Household composition | Single family household: Other single family household | Value | ts0030018 | ts003 | Household composition: Single family household: Other single family household; measures: Value |
Household composition | Single family household: Other single family household: Other family composition | Value | ts0030019 | ts003 | Household composition: Single family household: Other single family household: Other family composition; measures: Value |
Household composition | Other household types | Value | ts0030020 | ts003 | Household composition: Other household types; measures: Value |
Household composition | Other household types: With dependent children | Value | ts0030021 | ts003 | Household composition: Other household types: With dependent children; measures: Value |
Household composition | Other household types: Other, including all full-time students and all aged 66 years and over | Value | ts0030022 | ts003 | Household composition: Other household types: Other, including all full-time students and all aged 66 years and over; measures: Value |
Country of birth | Total | Value | ts0040001 | ts004 | Country of birth: Total; measures: Value |
Country of birth | Europe | Value | ts0040002 | ts004 | Country of birth: Europe; measures: Value |
Country of birth | Europe: United Kingdom | Value | ts0040003 | ts004 | Country of birth: Europe: United Kingdom; measures: Value |
Country of birth | Europe: EU countries | Value | ts0040004 | ts004 | Country of birth: Europe: EU countries; measures: Value |
Country of birth | Europe: EU countries: European Union EU14 | Value | ts0040005 | ts004 | Country of birth: Europe: EU countries: European Union EU14; measures: Value |
Country of birth | Europe: EU countries: European Union EU8 | Value | ts0040006 | ts004 | Country of birth: Europe: EU countries: European Union EU8; measures: Value |
Country of birth | Europe: EU countries: European Union EU2 | Value | ts0040007 | ts004 | Country of birth: Europe: EU countries: European Union EU2; measures: Value |
Country of birth | Europe: EU countries: All other EU countries | Value | ts0040008 | ts004 | Country of birth: Europe: EU countries: All other EU countries; measures: Value |
Country of birth | Europe: Non-EU countries | Value | ts0040009 | ts004 | Country of birth: Europe: Non-EU countries; measures: Value |
Country of birth | Europe: Non-EU countries: All other non-EU countries | Value | ts0040010 | ts004 | Country of birth: Europe: Non-EU countries: All other non-EU countries; measures: Value |
Country of birth | Africa | Value | ts0040011 | ts004 | Country of birth: Africa; measures: Value |
Country of birth | Middle East and Asia | Value | ts0040012 | ts004 | Country of birth: Middle East and Asia; measures: Value |
Country of birth | The Americas and the Caribbean | Value | ts0040013 | ts004 | Country of birth: The Americas and the Caribbean; measures: Value |
Country of birth | Antarctica and Oceania (including Australasia) and Other | Value | ts0040014 | ts004 | Country of birth: Antarctica and Oceania (including Australasia) and Other; measures: Value |
Country of birth | British Overseas | Value | ts0040015 | ts004 | Country of birth: British Overseas ; measures: Value |
Passports held | Total | Value | ts0050001 | ts005 | Passports held: Total; measures: Value |
Passports held | Europe | Value | ts0050002 | ts005 | Passports held: Europe; measures: Value |
Passports held | Europe: United Kingdom | Value | ts0050003 | ts005 | Passports held: Europe: United Kingdom; measures: Value |
Passports held | Europe: Ireland | Value | ts0050004 | ts005 | Passports held: Europe: Ireland; measures: Value |
Passports held | Europe: Other Europe | Value | ts0050005 | ts005 | Passports held: Europe: Other Europe; measures: Value |
Passports held | Europe: Other Europe: EU Member countries | Value | ts0050006 | ts005 | Passports held: Europe: Other Europe: EU Member countries; measures: Value |
Passports held | Europe: Other Europe: EU Member countries: France | Value | ts0050007 | ts005 | Passports held: Europe: Other Europe: EU Member countries: France; measures: Value |
Passports held | Europe: Other Europe: EU Member countries: Germany | Value | ts0050008 | ts005 | Passports held: Europe: Other Europe: EU Member countries: Germany; measures: Value |
Passports held | Europe: Other Europe: EU Member countries: Italy | Value | ts0050009 | ts005 | Passports held: Europe: Other Europe: EU Member countries: Italy; measures: Value |
Passports held | Europe: Other Europe: EU Member countries: Portugal | Value | ts0050010 | ts005 | Passports held: Europe: Other Europe: EU Member countries: Portugal; measures: Value |
Passports held | Europe: Other Europe: EU Member countries: Spain | Value | ts0050011 | ts005 | Passports held: Europe: Other Europe: EU Member countries: Spain; measures: Value |
Passports held | Europe: Other Europe: EU Member countries: Lithuania | Value | ts0050012 | ts005 | Passports held: Europe: Other Europe: EU Member countries: Lithuania; measures: Value |
Passports held | Europe: Other Europe: EU Member countries: Poland | Value | ts0050013 | ts005 | Passports held: Europe: Other Europe: EU Member countries: Poland; measures: Value |
Passports held | Europe: Other Europe: EU Member countries: Romania | Value | ts0050014 | ts005 | Passports held: Europe: Other Europe: EU Member countries: Romania; measures: Value |
Passports held | Europe: Other Europe: EU Member countries: Other EU countries | Value | ts0050015 | ts005 | Passports held: Europe: Other Europe: EU Member countries: Other EU countries; measures: Value |
Passports held | Europe: Other Europe: Rest of Europe | Value | ts0050016 | ts005 | Passports held: Europe: Other Europe: Rest of Europe; measures: Value |
Passports held | Europe: Other Europe: Rest of Europe: Turkey | Value | ts0050017 | ts005 | Passports held: Europe: Other Europe: Rest of Europe: Turkey; measures: Value |
Passports held | Europe: Other Europe: Rest of Europe: Other Europe | Value | ts0050018 | ts005 | Passports held: Europe: Other Europe: Rest of Europe: Other Europe; measures: Value |
Passports held | Africa | Value | ts0050019 | ts005 | Passports held: Africa; measures: Value |
Passports held | Africa: North Africa | Value | ts0050020 | ts005 | Passports held: Africa: North Africa; measures: Value |
Passports held | Africa: Central and Western Africa | Value | ts0050021 | ts005 | Passports held: Africa: Central and Western Africa; measures: Value |
Passports held | Africa: South and Eastern Africa | Value | ts0050022 | ts005 | Passports held: Africa: South and Eastern Africa; measures: Value |
Passports held | Middle East and Asia | Value | ts0050023 | ts005 | Passports held: Middle East and Asia; measures: Value |
Passports held | Middle East and Asia: Middle East | Value | ts0050024 | ts005 | Passports held: Middle East and Asia: Middle East; measures: Value |
Passports held | Middle East and Asia: Eastern Asia | Value | ts0050025 | ts005 | Passports held: Middle East and Asia: Eastern Asia; measures: Value |
Passports held | Middle East and Asia: Southern Asia | Value | ts0050026 | ts005 | Passports held: Middle East and Asia: Southern Asia; measures: Value |
Passports held | Middle East and Asia: South-East Asia | Value | ts0050027 | ts005 | Passports held: Middle East and Asia: South-East Asia; measures: Value |
Passports held | Middle East and Asia: Central Asia | Value | ts0050028 | ts005 | Passports held: Middle East and Asia: Central Asia; measures: Value |
Passports held | The Americas and the Caribbean | Value | ts0050029 | ts005 | Passports held: The Americas and the Caribbean; measures: Value |
Passports held | The Americas and the Caribbean: North America and the Caribbean | Value | ts0050030 | ts005 | Passports held: The Americas and the Caribbean: North America and the Caribbean; measures: Value |
Passports held | The Americas and the Caribbean: Central and South America | Value | ts0050031 | ts005 | Passports held: The Americas and the Caribbean: Central and South America; measures: Value |
Passports held | Antarctica and Oceania, including Australasia | Value | ts0050032 | ts005 | Passports held: Antarctica and Oceania, including Australasia; measures: Value |
Passports held | British Overseas Territories | Value | ts0050033 | ts005 | Passports held: British Overseas Territories; measures: Value |
Passports held | No passport held | Value | ts0050034 | ts005 | Passports held: No passport held; measures: Value |
Population Density | Persons per square kilometre | Value | ts0060001 | ts006 | Population Density: Persons per square kilometre; measures: Value |
Sex | All persons | Value | ts0080001 | ts008 | Sex: All persons; measures: Value |
Sex | Female | Value | ts0080002 | ts008 | Sex: Female; measures: Value |
Sex | Male | Value | ts0080003 | ts008 | Sex: Male; measures: Value |
Household deprivation | Total: All households | Value | ts0110001 | ts011 | Household deprivation: Total: All households; measures: Value |
Household deprivation | Household is not deprived in any dimension | Value | ts0110002 | ts011 | Household deprivation: Household is not deprived in any dimension; measures: Value |
Household deprivation | Household is deprived in one dimension | Value | ts0110003 | ts011 | Household deprivation: Household is deprived in one dimension; measures: Value |
Household deprivation | Household is deprived in two dimensions | Value | ts0110004 | ts011 | Household deprivation: Household is deprived in two dimensions; measures: Value |
Household deprivation | Household is deprived in three dimensions | Value | ts0110005 | ts011 | Household deprivation: Household is deprived in three dimensions; measures: Value |
Household deprivation | Household is deprived in four dimensions | Value | ts0110006 | ts011 | Household deprivation: Household is deprived in four dimensions; measures: Value |
Year of arrival in the UK | Total: All usual residents | Value | ts0150001 | ts015 | Year of arrival in the UK: Total: All usual residents; measures: Value |
Year of arrival in the UK | Born in the UK | Value | ts0150002 | ts015 | Year of arrival in the UK: Born in the UK; measures: Value |
Year of arrival in the UK | Arrived before 1951 | Value | ts0150003 | ts015 | Year of arrival in the UK: Arrived before 1951; measures: Value |
Year of arrival in the UK | Arrived 1951 to 1960 | Value | ts0150004 | ts015 | Year of arrival in the UK: Arrived 1951 to 1960; measures: Value |
Year of arrival in the UK | Arrived 1961 to 1970 | Value | ts0150005 | ts015 | Year of arrival in the UK: Arrived 1961 to 1970; measures: Value |
Year of arrival in the UK | Arrived 1971 to 1980 | Value | ts0150006 | ts015 | Year of arrival in the UK: Arrived 1971 to 1980; measures: Value |
Year of arrival in the UK | Arrived 1981 to 1990 | Value | ts0150007 | ts015 | Year of arrival in the UK: Arrived 1981 to 1990; measures: Value |
Year of arrival in the UK | Arrived 1991 to 2000 | Value | ts0150008 | ts015 | Year of arrival in the UK: Arrived 1991 to 2000; measures: Value |
Year of arrival in the UK | Arrived 2001 to 2010 | Value | ts0150009 | ts015 | Year of arrival in the UK: Arrived 2001 to 2010; measures: Value |
Year of arrival in the UK | Arrived 2011 to 2013 | Value | ts0150010 | ts015 | Year of arrival in the UK: Arrived 2011 to 2013; measures: Value |
Year of arrival in the UK | Arrived 2014 to 2016 | Value | ts0150011 | ts015 | Year of arrival in the UK: Arrived 2014 to 2016; measures: Value |
Year of arrival in the UK | Arrived 2017 to 2019 | Value | ts0150012 | ts015 | Year of arrival in the UK: Arrived 2017 to 2019; measures: Value |
Year of arrival in the UK | Arrived 2020 to 2021 | Value | ts0150013 | ts015 | Year of arrival in the UK: Arrived 2020 to 2021; measures: Value |
Length of residence in the UK | Total: All usual residents | Value | ts0160001 | ts016 | Length of residence in the UK: Total: All usual residents; measures: Value |
Length of residence in the UK | Born in the UK | Value | ts0160002 | ts016 | Length of residence in the UK: Born in the UK; measures: Value |
Length of residence in the UK | 10 years or more | Value | ts0160003 | ts016 | Length of residence in the UK: 10 years or more; measures: Value |
Length of residence in the UK | 5 years or more, but less than 10 years | Value | ts0160004 | ts016 | Length of residence in the UK: 5 years or more, but less than 10 years; measures: Value |
Length of residence in the UK | 2 years or more, but less than 5 years | Value | ts0160005 | ts016 | Length of residence in the UK: 2 years or more, but less than 5 years; measures: Value |
Length of residence in the UK | Less than 2 years | Value | ts0160006 | ts016 | Length of residence in the UK: Less than 2 years; measures: Value |
Household size | Total: All household spaces | Value | ts0170001 | ts017 | Household size: Total: All household spaces; measures: Value |
Household size | 0 people in household | Value | ts0170002 | ts017 | Household size: 0 people in household; measures: Value |
Household size | 1 person in household | Value | ts0170003 | ts017 | Household size: 1 person in household; measures: Value |
Household size | 2 people in household | Value | ts0170004 | ts017 | Household size: 2 people in household; measures: Value |
Household size | 3 people in household | Value | ts0170005 | ts017 | Household size: 3 people in household; measures: Value |
Household size | 4 people in household | Value | ts0170006 | ts017 | Household size: 4 people in household; measures: Value |
Household size | 5 people in household | Value | ts0170007 | ts017 | Household size: 5 people in household; measures: Value |
Household size | 6 people in household | Value | ts0170008 | ts017 | Household size: 6 people in household; measures: Value |
Household size | 7 people in household | Value | ts0170009 | ts017 | Household size: 7 people in household; measures: Value |
Household size | 8 or more people in household | Value | ts0170010 | ts017 | Household size: 8 or more people in household; measures: Value |
Age of arrival in the UK | Total: All usual residents | Value | ts0180001 | ts018 | Age of arrival in the UK: Total: All usual residents; measures: Value |
Age of arrival in the UK | Born in the UK | Value | ts0180002 | ts018 | Age of arrival in the UK: Born in the UK; measures: Value |
Age of arrival in the UK | Arrived in the UK | Value | ts0180003 | ts018 | Age of arrival in the UK: Arrived in the UK; measures: Value |
Age of arrival in the UK | Arrived in the UK: Aged 0 to 4 years | Value | ts0180004 | ts018 | Age of arrival in the UK: Arrived in the UK: Aged 0 to 4 years; measures: Value |
Age of arrival in the UK | Arrived in the UK: Aged 5 to 7 years | Value | ts0180005 | ts018 | Age of arrival in the UK: Arrived in the UK: Aged 5 to 7 years; measures: Value |
Age of arrival in the UK | Arrived in the UK: Aged 8 to 9 years | Value | ts0180006 | ts018 | Age of arrival in the UK: Arrived in the UK: Aged 8 to 9 years; measures: Value |
Age of arrival in the UK | Arrived in the UK: Aged 10 to 14 years | Value | ts0180007 | ts018 | Age of arrival in the UK: Arrived in the UK: Aged 10 to 14 years; measures: Value |
Age of arrival in the UK | Arrived in the UK: Aged 15 years | Value | ts0180008 | ts018 | Age of arrival in the UK: Arrived in the UK: Aged 15 years; measures: Value |
Age of arrival in the UK | Arrived in the UK: Aged 16 to 17 years | Value | ts0180009 | ts018 | Age of arrival in the UK: Arrived in the UK: Aged 16 to 17 years; measures: Value |
Age of arrival in the UK | Arrived in the UK: Aged 18 to 19 years | Value | ts0180010 | ts018 | Age of arrival in the UK: Arrived in the UK: Aged 18 to 19 years; measures: Value |
Age of arrival in the UK | Arrived in the UK: Aged 20 to 24 years | Value | ts0180011 | ts018 | Age of arrival in the UK: Arrived in the UK: Aged 20 to 24 years; measures: Value |
Age of arrival in the UK | Arrived in the UK: Aged 25 to 29 years | Value | ts0180012 | ts018 | Age of arrival in the UK: Arrived in the UK: Aged 25 to 29 years; measures: Value |
Age of arrival in the UK | Arrived in the UK: Aged 30 to 44 years | Value | ts0180013 | ts018 | Age of arrival in the UK: Arrived in the UK: Aged 30 to 44 years; measures: Value |
Age of arrival in the UK | Arrived in the UK: Aged 45 to 59 years | Value | ts0180014 | ts018 | Age of arrival in the UK: Arrived in the UK: Aged 45 to 59 years; measures: Value |
Age of arrival in the UK | Arrived in the UK: Aged 60 to 64 years | Value | ts0180015 | ts018 | Age of arrival in the UK: Arrived in the UK: Aged 60 to 64 years; measures: Value |
Age of arrival in the UK | Arrived in the UK: Aged 65 to 74 years | Value | ts0180016 | ts018 | Age of arrival in the UK: Arrived in the UK: Aged 65 to 74 years; measures: Value |
Age of arrival in the UK | Arrived in the UK: Aged 75 to 84 years | Value | ts0180017 | ts018 | Age of arrival in the UK: Arrived in the UK: Aged 75 to 84 years; measures: Value |
Age of arrival in the UK | Arrived in the UK: Aged 85 to 89 years | Value | ts0180018 | ts018 | Age of arrival in the UK: Arrived in the UK: Aged 85 to 89 years; measures: Value |
Age of arrival in the UK | Arrived in the UK: Aged 90 years and over | Value | ts0180019 | ts018 | Age of arrival in the UK: Arrived in the UK: Aged 90 years and over; measures: Value |
Migrant indicator | Total: All usual residents | Value | ts0190001 | ts019 | Migrant indicator: Total: All usual residents; measures: Value |
Migrant indicator | Address one year ago is the same as the address of enumeration | Value | ts0190002 | ts019 | Migrant indicator: Address one year ago is the same as the address of enumeration; measures: Value |
Migrant indicator | Address one year ago is student term-time or boarding school address in the UK | Value | ts0190003 | ts019 | Migrant indicator: Address one year ago is student term-time or boarding school address in the UK; measures: Value |
Migrant indicator | Migrant from within the UK: Address one year ago was in the UK | Value | ts0190004 | ts019 | Migrant indicator: Migrant from within the UK: Address one year ago was in the UK; measures: Value |
Migrant indicator | Migrant from outside the UK: Address one year ago was outside the UK | Value | ts0190005 | ts019 | Migrant indicator: Migrant from outside the UK: Address one year ago was outside the UK; measures: Value |
Sex | All persons | Value | ts0200001 | ts020 | Sex: All persons; measures: Value |
Sex | Female | Value | ts0200002 | ts020 | Sex: Female; measures: Value |
Sex | Male | Value | ts0200003 | ts020 | Sex: Male; measures: Value |
Number of households | Number of households | Value | ts0410001 | ts041 | Number of households: Number of households; measures: Value |
Ethnic group | Total: All usual residents | NA | ts0210001 | ts021 | Ethnic group: Total: All usual residents |
Ethnic group | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh | NA | ts0210002 | ts021 | Ethnic group: Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh |
Ethnic group | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Bangladeshi | NA | ts0210003 | ts021 | Ethnic group: Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Bangladeshi |
Ethnic group | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Chinese | NA | ts0210004 | ts021 | Ethnic group: Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Chinese |
Ethnic group | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Indian | NA | ts0210005 | ts021 | Ethnic group: Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Indian |
Ethnic group | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Pakistani | NA | ts0210006 | ts021 | Ethnic group: Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Pakistani |
Ethnic group | Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Other Asian | NA | ts0210007 | ts021 | Ethnic group: Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Other Asian |
Ethnic group | Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African | NA | ts0210008 | ts021 | Ethnic group: Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African |
Ethnic group | Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African: African | NA | ts0210009 | ts021 | Ethnic group: Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African: African |
Ethnic group | Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African: Caribbean | NA | ts0210010 | ts021 | Ethnic group: Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African: Caribbean |
Ethnic group | Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African: Other Black | NA | ts0210011 | ts021 | Ethnic group: Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African: Other Black |
Ethnic group | Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups | NA | ts0210012 | ts021 | Ethnic group: Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups |
Ethnic group | Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White and Asian | NA | ts0210013 | ts021 | Ethnic group: Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White and Asian |
Ethnic group | Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White and Black African | NA | ts0210014 | ts021 | Ethnic group: Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White and Black African |
Ethnic group | Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White and Black Caribbean | NA | ts0210015 | ts021 | Ethnic group: Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: White and Black Caribbean |
Ethnic group | Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Other Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups | NA | ts0210016 | ts021 | Ethnic group: Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Other Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups |
Ethnic group | White | NA | ts0210017 | ts021 | Ethnic group: White |
Ethnic group | White: English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British | NA | ts0210018 | ts021 | Ethnic group: White: English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British |
Ethnic group | White: Irish | NA | ts0210019 | ts021 | Ethnic group: White: Irish |
Ethnic group | White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller | NA | ts0210020 | ts021 | Ethnic group: White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller |
Ethnic group | White: Roma | NA | ts0210021 | ts021 | Ethnic group: White: Roma |
Ethnic group | White: Other White | NA | ts0210022 | ts021 | Ethnic group: White: Other White |
Ethnic group | Other ethnic group | NA | ts0210023 | ts021 | Ethnic group: Other ethnic group |
Ethnic group | Other ethnic group: Arab | NA | ts0210024 | ts021 | Ethnic group: Other ethnic group: Arab |
Ethnic group | Other ethnic group: Any other ethnic group | NA | ts0210025 | ts021 | Ethnic group: Other ethnic group: Any other ethnic group |
Multiple ethnic groups in household | Total: All households | NA | ts0230001 | ts023 | Multiple ethnic groups in household: Total: All households |
Multiple ethnic groups in household | One-person household | NA | ts0230002 | ts023 | Multiple ethnic groups in household: One-person household |
Multiple ethnic groups in household | All household members have the same ethnic group | NA | ts0230003 | ts023 | Multiple ethnic groups in household: All household members have the same ethnic group |
Multiple ethnic groups in household | Ethnic groups differ between generations but not within partnerships | NA | ts0230004 | ts023 | Multiple ethnic groups in household: Ethnic groups differ between generations but not within partnerships |
Multiple ethnic groups in household | Ethnic groups differ within partnerships | NA | ts0230005 | ts023 | Multiple ethnic groups in household: Ethnic groups differ within partnerships |
Multiple ethnic groups in household | Any other combination of multiple ethnic identities | NA | ts0230006 | ts023 | Multiple ethnic groups in household: Any other combination of multiple ethnic identities |
Household language (English and Welsh) | Household language (English and Welsh): Total: All households | NA | ts0250001 | ts025 | Household language (English and Welsh): Total: All households |
Household language (English and Welsh) | Household language (English and Welsh): All adults in household have English in England, or English or Welsh in Wales as a main language | NA | ts0250002 | ts025 | Household language (English and Welsh): All adults in household have English in England, or English or Welsh in Wales as a main language |
Household language (English and Welsh) | Household language (English and Welsh): At least one but not all adults in household have English in England, or English or Welsh in Wales as a main language | NA | ts0250003 | ts025 | Household language (English and Welsh): At least one but not all adults in household have English in England, or English or Welsh in Wales as a main language |
Household language (English and Welsh) | Household language (English and Welsh): No adults in household, but at least one person aged 3 to 15 years, has English in England or English or Welsh in Wales as a main language | NA | ts0250004 | ts025 | Household language (English and Welsh): No adults in household, but at least one person aged 3 to 15 years, has English in England or English or Welsh in Wales as a main language |
Household language (English and Welsh) | Household language (English and Welsh): No people in household have English in England, or English or Welsh in Wales as a main language | NA | ts0250005 | ts025 | Household language (English and Welsh): No people in household have English in England, or English or Welsh in Wales as a main language |
Multiple main languages in household | Total: All households | NA | ts0260001 | ts026 | Multiple main languages in household: Total: All households |
Multiple main languages in household | One-person household | NA | ts0260002 | ts026 | Multiple main languages in household: One-person household |
Multiple main languages in household | All household members have the same main language | NA | ts0260003 | ts026 | Multiple main languages in household: All household members have the same main language |
Multiple main languages in household | Main language differs between generations, but not within partnerships | NA | ts0260004 | ts026 | Multiple main languages in household: Main language differs between generations, but not within partnerships |
Multiple main languages in household | Main language differs within partnerships | NA | ts0260005 | ts026 | Multiple main languages in household: Main language differs within partnerships |
Multiple main languages in household | Any other combination of multiple main languages | NA | ts0260006 | ts026 | Multiple main languages in household: Any other combination of multiple main languages |
National identity | Total: All usual residents | NA | ts0270001 | ts027 | National identity: Total: All usual residents |
National identity | British only identity | NA | ts0270002 | ts027 | National identity: British only identity |
National identity | English only identity | NA | ts0270003 | ts027 | National identity: English only identity |
National identity | English and British only identity | NA | ts0270004 | ts027 | National identity: English and British only identity |
National identity | Welsh only identity | NA | ts0270005 | ts027 | National identity: Welsh only identity |
National identity | Welsh and British only identity | NA | ts0270006 | ts027 | National identity: Welsh and British only identity |
National identity | Any other combination of only UK identities...10 | NA | ts0270007 | ts027 | National identity: Any other combination of only UK identities...10 |
National identity | Scottish only identity | NA | ts0270008 | ts027 | National identity: Scottish only identity |
National identity | Scottish and British only identity | NA | ts0270009 | ts027 | National identity: Scottish and British only identity |
National identity | Northern Irish only identity | NA | ts0270010 | ts027 | National identity: Northern Irish only identity |
National identity | Northern Irish and British only identity | NA | ts0270011 | ts027 | National identity: Northern Irish and British only identity |
National identity | Cornish only identity | NA | ts0270012 | ts027 | National identity: Cornish only identity |
National identity | Cornish and British only identity | NA | ts0270013 | ts027 | National identity: Cornish and British only identity |
National identity | Any other combination of only UK identities...17 | NA | ts0270014 | ts027 | National identity: Any other combination of only UK identities...17 |
National identity | Irish only identity | NA | ts0270015 | ts027 | National identity: Irish only identity |
National identity | Irish and at least one UK identity | NA | ts0270016 | ts027 | National identity: Irish and at least one UK identity |
National identity | Other identity only | NA | ts0270017 | ts027 | National identity: Other identity only |
National identity | Other identity and at least one UK identity | NA | ts0270018 | ts027 | National identity: Other identity and at least one UK identity |
National identity | Non-UK identity only | NA | ts0270019 | ts027 | National identity: Non-UK identity only |
National identity | UK identity and non-UK identity | NA | ts0270020 | ts027 | National identity: UK identity and non-UK identity |
Proficiency in English language | Total: All usual residents aged 3 years and over | NA | ts0290001 | ts029 | Proficiency in English language: Total: All usual residents aged 3 years and over |
Proficiency in English language | Main language is English (English or Welsh in Wales) | NA | ts0290002 | ts029 | Proficiency in English language: Main language is English (English or Welsh in Wales) |
Proficiency in English language | Main language is not English (English or Welsh in Wales) | NA | ts0290003 | ts029 | Proficiency in English language: Main language is not English (English or Welsh in Wales) |
Proficiency in English language | Main language is not English (English or Welsh in Wales): Can speak English very well | NA | ts0290004 | ts029 | Proficiency in English language: Main language is not English (English or Welsh in Wales): Can speak English very well |
Proficiency in English language | Main language is not English (English or Welsh in Wales): Can speak English well | NA | ts0290005 | ts029 | Proficiency in English language: Main language is not English (English or Welsh in Wales): Can speak English well |
Proficiency in English language | Main language is not English (English or Welsh in Wales): Cannot speak English well | NA | ts0290006 | ts029 | Proficiency in English language: Main language is not English (English or Welsh in Wales): Cannot speak English well |
Proficiency in English language | Main language is not English (English or Welsh in Wales): Cannot speak English | NA | ts0290007 | ts029 | Proficiency in English language: Main language is not English (English or Welsh in Wales): Cannot speak English |
Religion | Total: All usual residents | NA | ts0300001 | ts030 | Religion: Total: All usual residents |
Religion | No religion | NA | ts0300002 | ts030 | Religion: No religion |
Religion | Christian | NA | ts0300003 | ts030 | Religion: Christian |
Religion | Buddhist | NA | ts0300004 | ts030 | Religion: Buddhist |
Religion | Hindu | NA | ts0300005 | ts030 | Religion: Hindu |
Religion | Jewish | NA | ts0300006 | ts030 | Religion: Jewish |
Religion | Muslim | NA | ts0300007 | ts030 | Religion: Muslim |
Religion | Sikh | NA | ts0300008 | ts030 | Religion: Sikh |
Religion | Other religion | NA | ts0300009 | ts030 | Religion: Other religion |
Religion | Not answered | NA | ts0300010 | ts030 | Religion: Not answered |
Multi religion household | Total | NA | ts0750001 | ts075 | Multi religion household: Total |
Multi religion household | One-person household | NA | ts0750002 | ts075 | Multi religion household: One-person household |
Multi religion household | Multi-person household: No people stated their religion | NA | ts0750003 | ts075 | Multi religion household: Multi-person household: No people stated their religion |
Multi religion household | Multi-person household: Same religion (at least one person has stated a religion but the household may include people who did not state their religion) | NA | ts0750004 | ts075 | Multi religion household: Multi-person household: Same religion (at least one person has stated a religion but the household may include people who did not state their religion) |
Multi religion household | Multi-person household: No religion (household may include people who did not state their religion) | NA | ts0750005 | ts075 | Multi religion household: Multi-person household: No religion (household may include people who did not state their religion) |
Multi religion household | Multi-person household: Same religion and no religion (household may include people who did not state their religion) | NA | ts0750006 | ts075 | Multi religion household: Multi-person household: Same religion and no religion (household may include people who did not state their religion) |
Multi religion household | Multi-person household: At least two different religions stated (household may include people with no religion and who did not state their religion) | NA | ts0750007 | ts075 | Multi religion household: Multi-person household: At least two different religions stated (household may include people with no religion and who did not state their religion) |
Welsh language skills | Total: All usual residents aged 3 years and over | NA | ts0320001 | ts032 | Welsh language skills: Total: All usual residents aged 3 years and over |
Welsh language skills | Can understand spoken Welsh only | NA | ts0320002 | ts032 | Welsh language skills: Can understand spoken Welsh only |
Welsh language skills | Can speak, read and write Welsh | NA | ts0320003 | ts032 | Welsh language skills: Can speak, read and write Welsh |
Welsh language skills | Can speak but cannot read or write Welsh | NA | ts0320004 | ts032 | Welsh language skills: Can speak but cannot read or write Welsh |
Welsh language skills | Can speak and read but cannot write Welsh | NA | ts0320005 | ts032 | Welsh language skills: Can speak and read but cannot write Welsh |
Welsh language skills | Can read but cannot speak or write Welsh | NA | ts0320006 | ts032 | Welsh language skills: Can read but cannot speak or write Welsh |
Welsh language skills | Can write but cannot speak or read Welsh | NA | ts0320007 | ts032 | Welsh language skills: Can write but cannot speak or read Welsh |
Welsh language skills | Can read and write but cannot speak Welsh | NA | ts0320008 | ts032 | Welsh language skills: Can read and write but cannot speak Welsh |
Welsh language skills | Can speak and other combinations of skills in Welsh | NA | ts0320009 | ts032 | Welsh language skills: Can speak and other combinations of skills in Welsh |
Welsh language skills | No skills in Welsh | NA | ts0320010 | ts032 | Welsh language skills: No skills in Welsh |
Welsh speaking ability | Total: All usual residents aged 3 years and over | NA | ts0330001 | ts033 | Welsh speaking ability: Total: All usual residents aged 3 years and over |
Welsh speaking ability | Cannot speak Welsh | NA | ts0330002 | ts033 | Welsh speaking ability: Cannot speak Welsh |
Welsh speaking ability | Can speak Welsh | NA | ts0330003 | ts033 | Welsh speaking ability: Can speak Welsh |
Welsh writing ability | Total: All usual residents aged 3 years and over | NA | ts0340001 | ts034 | Welsh writing ability: Total: All usual residents aged 3 years and over |
Welsh writing ability | Cannot write Welsh | NA | ts0340002 | ts034 | Welsh writing ability: Cannot write Welsh |
Welsh writing ability | Can write Welsh | NA | ts0340003 | ts034 | Welsh writing ability: Can write Welsh |
Welsh reading ability | Total: All usual residents aged 3 years and over | NA | ts0350001 | ts035 | Welsh reading ability: Total: All usual residents aged 3 years and over |
Welsh reading ability | Cannot read Welsh | NA | ts0350002 | ts035 | Welsh reading ability: Cannot read Welsh |
Welsh reading ability | Can read Welsh | NA | ts0350003 | ts035 | Welsh reading ability: Can read Welsh |
Welsh understanding ability | Total: All usual residents aged 3 years and over | NA | ts0360001 | ts036 | Welsh understanding ability: Total: All usual residents aged 3 years and over |
Welsh understanding ability | Cannot understand spoken Welsh | NA | ts0360002 | ts036 | Welsh understanding ability: Cannot understand spoken Welsh |
Welsh understanding ability | Can understand spoken Welsh | NA | ts0360003 | ts036 | Welsh understanding ability: Can understand spoken Welsh |
Distance travelled to work | Total: All usual residents aged 16 years and over in employment the week before the census | NA | ts0580001 | ts058 | Distance travelled to work: Total: All usual residents aged 16 years and over in employment the week before the census |
Distance travelled to work | Less than 2km | NA | ts0580002 | ts058 | Distance travelled to work: Less than 2km |
Distance travelled to work | 2km to less than 5km | NA | ts0580003 | ts058 | Distance travelled to work: 2km to less than 5km |
Distance travelled to work | 5km to less than 10km | NA | ts0580004 | ts058 | Distance travelled to work: 5km to less than 10km |
Distance travelled to work | 10km to less than 20km | NA | ts0580005 | ts058 | Distance travelled to work: 10km to less than 20km |
Distance travelled to work | 20km to less than 30km | NA | ts0580006 | ts058 | Distance travelled to work: 20km to less than 30km |
Distance travelled to work | 30km to less than 40km | NA | ts0580007 | ts058 | Distance travelled to work: 30km to less than 40km |
Distance travelled to work | 40km to less than 60km | NA | ts0580008 | ts058 | Distance travelled to work: 40km to less than 60km |
Distance travelled to work | 60km and over | NA | ts0580009 | ts058 | Distance travelled to work: 60km and over |
Distance travelled to work | Works mainly from home | NA | ts0580010 | ts058 | Distance travelled to work: Works mainly from home |
Distance travelled to work | Works mainly at an offshore installation, in no fixed place, or outside the UK | NA | ts0580011 | ts058 | Distance travelled to work: Works mainly at an offshore installation, in no fixed place, or outside the UK |
Hours worked | Total: All usual residents aged 16 years and over in employment the week before the census | NA | ts0590001 | ts059 | Hours worked: Total: All usual residents aged 16 years and over in employment the week before the census |
Hours worked | Part-time | NA | ts0590002 | ts059 | Hours worked: Part-time |
Hours worked | Part-time: 15 hours or less worked | NA | ts0590003 | ts059 | Hours worked: Part-time: 15 hours or less worked |
Hours worked | Part-time: 16 to 30 hours worked | NA | ts0590004 | ts059 | Hours worked: Part-time: 16 to 30 hours worked |
Hours worked | Full-time | NA | ts0590005 | ts059 | Hours worked: Full-time |
Hours worked | Full-time: 31 to 48 hours worked | NA | ts0590006 | ts059 | Hours worked: Full-time: 31 to 48 hours worked |
Hours worked | Full-time: 49 or more hours worked | NA | ts0590007 | ts059 | Hours worked: Full-time: 49 or more hours worked |
Method of travel to workplace | Total: All usual residents aged 16 years and over in employment the week before the census | NA | ts0610001 | ts061 | Method of travel to workplace: Total: All usual residents aged 16 years and over in employment the week before the census |
Method of travel to workplace | Work mainly at or from home | NA | ts0610002 | ts061 | Method of travel to workplace: Work mainly at or from home |
Method of travel to workplace | Underground, metro, light rail, tram | NA | ts0610003 | ts061 | Method of travel to workplace: Underground, metro, light rail, tram |
Method of travel to workplace | Train | NA | ts0610004 | ts061 | Method of travel to workplace: Train |
Method of travel to workplace | Bus, minibus or coach | NA | ts0610005 | ts061 | Method of travel to workplace: Bus, minibus or coach |
Method of travel to workplace | Taxi | NA | ts0610006 | ts061 | Method of travel to workplace: Taxi |
Method of travel to workplace | Motorcycle, scooter or moped | NA | ts0610007 | ts061 | Method of travel to workplace: Motorcycle, scooter or moped |
Method of travel to workplace | Driving a car or van | NA | ts0610008 | ts061 | Method of travel to workplace: Driving a car or van |
Method of travel to workplace | Passenger in a car or van | NA | ts0610009 | ts061 | Method of travel to workplace: Passenger in a car or van |
Method of travel to workplace | Bicycle | NA | ts0610010 | ts061 | Method of travel to workplace: Bicycle |
Method of travel to workplace | On foot | NA | ts0610011 | ts061 | Method of travel to workplace: On foot |
Method of travel to workplace | Other method of travel to work | NA | ts0610012 | ts061 | Method of travel to workplace: Other method of travel to work |
National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC) | National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC): Total: All usual residents aged 16 years and over | NA | ts0620001 | ts062 | National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC): Total: All usual residents aged 16 years and over |
National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC) | National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC): L1, L2 and L3 Higher managerial, administrative and professional occupations | NA | ts0620002 | ts062 | National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC): L1, L2 and L3 Higher managerial, administrative and professional occupations |
National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC) | National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC): L4, L5 and L6 Lower managerial, administrative and professional occupations | NA | ts0620003 | ts062 | National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC): L4, L5 and L6 Lower managerial, administrative and professional occupations |
National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC) | National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC): L7 Intermediate occupations | NA | ts0620004 | ts062 | National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC): L7 Intermediate occupations |
National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC) | National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC): L8 and L9 Small employers and own account workers | NA | ts0620005 | ts062 | National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC): L8 and L9 Small employers and own account workers |
National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC) | National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC): L10 and L11 Lower supervisory and technical occupations | NA | ts0620006 | ts062 | National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC): L10 and L11 Lower supervisory and technical occupations |
National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC) | National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC): L12 Semi-routine occupations | NA | ts0620007 | ts062 | National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC): L12 Semi-routine occupations |
National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC) | National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC): L13 Routine occupations | NA | ts0620008 | ts062 | National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC): L13 Routine occupations |
National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC) | National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC): L14.1 and L14.2 Never worked and long-term unemployed | NA | ts0620009 | ts062 | National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC): L14.1 and L14.2 Never worked and long-term unemployed |
National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC) | National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC): L15 Full-time students | NA | ts0620010 | ts062 | National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC): L15 Full-time students |
Occupation (current) | Occupation (current): Total: All usual residents aged 16 years and over in employment the week before the census | NA | ts0630001 | ts063 | Occupation (current): Total: All usual residents aged 16 years and over in employment the week before the census |
Occupation (current) | Occupation (current): 1. Managers, directors and senior officials | NA | ts0630002 | ts063 | Occupation (current): 1. Managers, directors and senior officials |
Occupation (current) | Occupation (current): 2. Professional occupations | NA | ts0630003 | ts063 | Occupation (current): 2. Professional occupations |
Occupation (current) | Occupation (current): 3. Associate professional and technical occupations | NA | ts0630004 | ts063 | Occupation (current): 3. Associate professional and technical occupations |
Occupation (current) | Occupation (current): 4. Administrative and secretarial occupations | NA | ts0630005 | ts063 | Occupation (current): 4. Administrative and secretarial occupations |
Occupation (current) | Occupation (current): 5. Skilled trades occupations | NA | ts0630006 | ts063 | Occupation (current): 5. Skilled trades occupations |
Occupation (current) | Occupation (current): 6. Caring, leisure and other service occupations | NA | ts0630007 | ts063 | Occupation (current): 6. Caring, leisure and other service occupations |
Occupation (current) | Occupation (current): 7. Sales and customer service occupations | NA | ts0630008 | ts063 | Occupation (current): 7. Sales and customer service occupations |
Occupation (current) | Occupation (current): 8. Process, plant and machine operatives | NA | ts0630009 | ts063 | Occupation (current): 8. Process, plant and machine operatives |
Occupation (current) | Occupation (current): 9. Elementary occupations | NA | ts0630010 | ts063 | Occupation (current): 9. Elementary occupations |
Unemployment history | Total: All usual residents aged 16 years and over not in employment the week before the census | NA | ts0650001 | ts065 | Unemployment history: Total: All usual residents aged 16 years and over not in employment the week before the census |
Unemployment history | Not in employment: Worked in the last 12 months | NA | ts0650002 | ts065 | Unemployment history: Not in employment: Worked in the last 12 months |
Unemployment history | Not in employment: Not worked in the last 12 months | NA | ts0650003 | ts065 | Unemployment history: Not in employment: Not worked in the last 12 months |
Unemployment history | Not in employment: Never worked | NA | ts0650004 | ts065 | Unemployment history: Not in employment: Never worked |
Economic activity status | Total: All usual residents aged 16 years and over | NA | ts0660001 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Total: All usual residents aged 16 years and over |
Economic activity status | Economically active (excluding full-time students) | NA | ts0660002 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active (excluding full-time students) |
Economic activity status | Economically active (excluding full-time students):In employment | NA | ts0660003 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active (excluding full-time students):In employment |
Economic activity status | Economically active (excluding full-time students):In employment:Employee | NA | ts0660004 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active (excluding full-time students):In employment:Employee |
Economic activity status | Economically active (excluding full-time students): In employment: Employee: Part-time | NA | ts0660005 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active (excluding full-time students): In employment: Employee: Part-time |
Economic activity status | Economically active (excluding full-time students): In employment: Employee: Full-time | NA | ts0660006 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active (excluding full-time students): In employment: Employee: Full-time |
Economic activity status | Economically active (excluding full-time students):In employment:Self-employed with employees | NA | ts0660007 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active (excluding full-time students):In employment:Self-employed with employees |
Economic activity status | Economically active (excluding full-time students): In employment: Self-employed with employees: Part-time | NA | ts0660008 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active (excluding full-time students): In employment: Self-employed with employees: Part-time |
Economic activity status | Economically active (excluding full-time students): In employment: Self-employed with employees: Full-time | NA | ts0660009 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active (excluding full-time students): In employment: Self-employed with employees: Full-time |
Economic activity status | Economically active (excluding full-time students):In employment:Self-employed without employees | NA | ts0660010 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active (excluding full-time students):In employment:Self-employed without employees |
Economic activity status | Economically active (excluding full-time students): In employment: Self-employed without employees: Part-time | NA | ts0660011 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active (excluding full-time students): In employment: Self-employed without employees: Part-time |
Economic activity status | Economically active (excluding full-time students): In employment: Self-employed without employees: Full-time | NA | ts0660012 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active (excluding full-time students): In employment: Self-employed without employees: Full-time |
Economic activity status | Economically active (excluding full-time students): Unemployed | NA | ts0660013 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active (excluding full-time students): Unemployed |
Economic activity status | Economically active and a full-time student | NA | ts0660014 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active and a full-time student |
Economic activity status | Economically active and a full-time student:In employment | NA | ts0660015 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active and a full-time student:In employment |
Economic activity status | Economically active and a full-time student:In employment:Employee | NA | ts0660016 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active and a full-time student:In employment:Employee |
Economic activity status | Economically active and a full-time student: In employment: Employee: Part-time | NA | ts0660017 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active and a full-time student: In employment: Employee: Part-time |
Economic activity status | Economically active and a full-time student: In employment: Employee: Full-time | NA | ts0660018 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active and a full-time student: In employment: Employee: Full-time |
Economic activity status | Economically active and a full-time student:In employment:Self-employed with employees | NA | ts0660019 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active and a full-time student:In employment:Self-employed with employees |
Economic activity status | Economically active and a full-time student: In employment: Self-employed with employees: Part-time | NA | ts0660020 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active and a full-time student: In employment: Self-employed with employees: Part-time |
Economic activity status | Economically active and a full-time student: In employment: Self-employed with employees: Full-time | NA | ts0660021 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active and a full-time student: In employment: Self-employed with employees: Full-time |
Economic activity status | Economically active and a full-time student:In employment:Self-employed without employees | NA | ts0660022 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active and a full-time student:In employment:Self-employed without employees |
Economic activity status | Economically active and a full-time student: In employment: Self-employed without employees: Part-time | NA | ts0660023 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active and a full-time student: In employment: Self-employed without employees: Part-time |
Economic activity status | Economically active and a full-time student: In employment: Self-employed without employees: Full-time | NA | ts0660024 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active and a full-time student: In employment: Self-employed without employees: Full-time |
Economic activity status | Economically active and a full-time student: Unemployed | NA | ts0660025 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically active and a full-time student: Unemployed |
Economic activity status | Economically inactive | NA | ts0660026 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically inactive |
Economic activity status | Economically inactive: Retired | NA | ts0660027 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically inactive: Retired |
Economic activity status | Economically inactive: Student | NA | ts0660028 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically inactive: Student |
Economic activity status | Economically inactive: Looking after home or family | NA | ts0660029 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically inactive: Looking after home or family |
Economic activity status | Economically inactive: Long-term sick or disabled | NA | ts0660030 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically inactive: Long-term sick or disabled |
Economic activity status | Economically inactive: Other | NA | ts0660031 | ts066 | Economic activity status: Economically inactive: Other |